widespread. there are a number of states that are experiencing that activity. first of all, it s the mismatch that we ve been talking about, playing a role into what we re seeing. the predominant strain that we re seeing out in the community is the influence of h3n2 virus. we know this particular strain tends to cause more severe illness, can cause higher rates of deaths and hospitalizations compared to other flu strains. but this as well as other variables i do think is playing a role. so you know i think what we also need to keep in mind is that the flu season we re still smack-tap in the middle of it. the flu season can go as late as may. we have a lot of time to see what s going to happen and how the trends work. a lot of people talking about the flu shot the flu vaccine. a lot of people debating whether they should get the flu shot. some people angry, that maybe it won t work for them. the most important thing is to wash your hands, stay away from
whitey bull ger will spend the rest of his life in jail. he was sentenced to two c consecutive life terms plus five years after 31 racketeering charges between 1970 and 1980. it took 31 years 6 months two-days to get a conviction for my father. he is going to die in prison. today is the first day we can get on the road to closure. it is a good feeling. the 48-year-old mobster was on the roun for 16 years before being arrested by the fbi in 2011. a strain of bird flu scientists thought could not infect people has shown up with one woman. nasty surprise scientists need to do more to identify the flu strains before the outbreak. the woman did not have connection to live birds so it is unclear who you she contracted the disease. for the first time we are
will be able to cover 100%. part of the discovery here is instead of going after the surface proteins of the flu strain that can change, now we re going to target the actual core protein in the flu. and that s universal across all the flu strains. this is a big discovery. they found that in 2009 over 340 students. the ones that had more t cells in their immune system, and when that level was really high, they had milder symptoms of flu. the ones that had low levels of t cells, they had much worse symptoms. now this concept of coming up with a t-cell vaccine or universal vac kecine is extreme intriguing. it s a big possibility. we re unfortunately three to four years away from this. i only have 15 seconds left because i want to tell people about the great show you ll have tomorrow. would you get the flu vaccine
got your flu shot, that s fantastic. first of all i want to talk about that term. you re asking to are a definition. that s one thing that needs to be defined. oh, it isn t. what when we say universal, what exactly are we talking about? what was mentioned was the idea instead of us having to rebuild a flu vaccine like we have to now, perhaps we have a vaccine that protects people no matter what flu strains are in the environment. that s the context in which we re understanding this term universal flu vaccine within the realm of this study. that actually needs to be defined. what exactly is it targeting? how effective would it be? how many vaccines would be given? we re still a ways away from that. why? why? yes. why isn t it happening faster? isn t there money to be made here for whoever figures it out. the answer of why is, remember, when we create vaccines and make immunizations and recommendations, scientists
three flu strains but it is only 9% effective against the toughest flu strain. health officials say they are not yet sure why. one theory, seniors are having trouble getting accustomed to the new harsher form of the virus. experts say flu season started earlier than usual but peaked by the end of december. there might be snow in the fact but it is not too early to plan the summer vacation. the world s best beaches. start dreaming. we ll give you the whole list, next. [ male announcer ] it was designed to escape the ordinary. it feels like it can escape gravity. the 2013 c-class coupe. starting at $37,800.