now you add into that a tornado is one of the worst. we ve dealt with disasters after hurricanes, but we can kind of anticipate some of those things. we can get patients dialized. with a tornado, it s so arbitrary, as you just heard from kyanna, you don t know what s going to happen next minute. this is, really unfortunately, a kind of triple threat, a natural disaster, a pandemic, and we re also seeing an uptick in flu cases and they mimic covid, so we re dealing with it on all fronts. what s your biggest worry? we ve got about 60 seconds left. what s your biggest worry going into the holiday season, the uptick in cases we re seeing across this country and the omicron variant? the biggest worry i have is that people don t take getting boosters seriously and we have a lot more breakthrough cases that lead to hospitalizations, that could have been avoided with people gathering so closely indoors. and so i actually am all for an indoor mask mandate, if you can t tell if people around
heaviness that is here and working in these situations with these people who before they go out the door had a normal life, healthy people, out celebrating thanksgiving and now they re here with a mask on their face, teary eyed, staring at me, asking me if they re going to live or not. desperation. and it is heart breaking. reporter: and here is yet another stressor on the entire hospital system across the state. the flu. it is much more active this year than it was last year. so they re starting to see more flu cases. that is also putting a stress on hospital beds across the state. look, the chief medical officer for sparrow health says even if you get your first vaccine shot today, you may not have full protection by christmas time, but at least you have some. jim, erica? yeah. so important. every little bit really does make a difference. miguel, thanks. still ahead, julian assange is poised to be extradited to the united states.