On September 25, 2018, Syfy premiered the American medical drama television series New Amsterdam, based on Eric Manheimer’s book Twelve Patients: Life and Death at Bellevue Hospital. New Amsterdam’s Max and the New Amsterdam medical team undergo a major metamorphosis in the fourth season. This is not a one-time occurrence when it comes to the […]
On Tuesday night, the writers of New Amsterdam rolled out an old liberal agenda and confirmed our suspicions that they are desperately lacking in creativity. There's no doubt the hit drama is aiming to be the Grey’s Anatomy of NBC. Not only are the writers looking to get in on the medical drama scene so many Grey’s fans love, it looks like they’re also aiming to be as liberal as show creator Shonda Rhimes, with a whole episode pushing the Black Lives Matter agenda.
School shootings were one theme of the latest episode of NBC’s New Amsterdam, but with a bit of a twist. Instead of a plotline about a school shooting, it revolved around students traumatized by an active shooter drill at their school. One of the students, Danica, gets referred to New Amsterdam shrink Dr. Iggy Frome. She is so traumatized she never wants to return to the school.