constituents, about working on a crime bill. how did you navigate that? ultimately, there s two pieces of this. one is public safety and one is policing. the reality is those two things cannot be mutually exclusive and we cannot consider it as such. so when we talk about public safety and when we talk about kind of moving towards more modern policing efforts post-george floyd policing, it is really going to take more investments. so as i talked with people on my side of the aisle about that, i think we all started to realize that, yeah, if we want to have our officers have more training, well, here is an opportunity to provide those dollars for more training in deescalation or anti-bias or whatever that local police department or law enforcement agency thinks is right. if we want to have our officers, you know, take care of mental health crises situations in a different way, if we understand that s not the role of our officers, that we need
solution. now, this is exciting. senator halpern, just two years ago it seems americans were divided over the issue of policing. here georgia is leading the way. there are a lot of mayors trying to figure out how they can make their towns and cities safer. there are a lot of state legislators debating back and forth, coming from two different sides. i guess my question is how did georgia come together with the bipartisan bill? well, i think that, you know, again, crime is definitely not something that is partisan. so where we ve been seeing increases in crime in cities throughout and towns throughout our state, everybody wants to do something to address it. so the question really is what do you do and how do you come up with an innovative solution, and this l-e-s-s crime act is an