May begins the time to get into the habit of doing outdoor tasks early in the day. It is usually the time when temperatures start to creep from the 80s
As seasons change, it is a good time to search for the perfect plant to liven up the landscape. Some options, even cactus, appreciate shady conditions out of the hot
Very common in the rocky hills of southern Arizona, brittlebush (Encelia farinose) this year seems to have appeared everywhere we look! The flashy, brilliant yellow flowers have sprung into view
The dense, lush flowers of Lady Banks roses, known in Arizona as “Tombstone roses,” are now finishing their spring bloom period after producing the heaviest crop of blossoms witnessed in
Spring is here, and the annual lawn weed battle will begin. Weed weapons include competition, hand-pulling or digging and herbicides. I often say we can win weed battles but we