The black sea coast, to minsk, to borodskaya belarus, and to other popular destinations. All this, including the modernization of the Central Transport hub of moscow , will increase the tourist flow throughout the country. Several resorts are expected to be launched at once clusters. At the same time, i think it is important to strictly adhere to the zero pollution principle. The construction of the baikal resort will become part of the large five seas project. Modern hotel complexes will also appear on. The coasts of the caspian, baltic, azov, black and japanese seas. This project alone will increase the Domestic Tourist flow by another 10 Million People per year. Moreover, on the new road, as economists say, the entire infrastructure and new Industrial Enterprises and housing are strung together. The third stage of expansion of the eastern Training Ground is launched railways, bama and transib. Well, at one time we, excuse my veton, yawned a little. They didnt do something on time, o
German defense ministry. More than 280 people will receive belarusian passports. The head of state signed a decree about citizenship. Millions of armfuls of tulips grew. Belarusian Flower Growers are ready for the spring holiday. The Womens Movement in belarus has become a force in society that cannot be ignored. And the purpose of motherhood, Alexander Lukashenko is sure. By raising children to be patriots, mothers strengthen the country. The state will henceforth support motherhood and childhood. No matter how the circumstances develop, support will be provided in full. This also applies to the development of medicine in general and Financial Support from the state for families with children, in in particular. All mothers and those preparing to become them are concerned about the question will the state continue to support motherhood and childhood . Do you feel the essence of this correctly . Question, this is a very expensive business, we are the most social state, we probably have
Users of social networks what they love so much, videos with cats. In this selection you had to guess the emotions of pets. Participants experience, they almost accurately determined with an accuracy of 90 when the cat is happy with everything, but it turned out to be difficult to read the negative emotions of the pet by the expression of its face and movement. Errors in interpreting dissatisfaction occurred in 70 of cases, a third of those surveyed were still unable to understand what the beggar doesnt like about whats happening, huh . Yes, we dont know how to understand either the emotions of pets or their breeds, and therefore cases of selling ordinary kittens and puppies have become more frequent, as if these are rare and very expensive species, youre my beautiful, youre my good the kitty, although not a russian blue , is still the most beloved, alya labanova began to guess that the bead is not a russian blue at all, just an ordinary gray one, a couple of months after the purchase,
In a complex in the residential minskmir, both for children and for adults, one childrens clinic is being built in our loshitsa microdistrict, a multidisciplinary clinic is being built in the vostochny microdistrict. In addition, we have several unfinished Construction Projects that were transferred to municipal ownership, after customers, who were unable to implement this project, in particular, we will be building a drug treatment clinic in karvat, which is also being completed. Acts of buda rynitsva odi meditsynskaga tsentra paulitsa mayakokag dachsamama yzvodazyatyas new carpus on the teryators 11 balnitsa, akermy taganovsovanovs, and geta azra sem abekta akhovs zdaroy. Methods of execution and optimization of the work of the service 115, examples of Effective Work with the waste of citizens of gramada in the service of elderly ladies and barbarians , abbreviated. We record a decrease in citizens complaints, a decrease in complaints indicates a better quality work of service 115. W
Its clean here, no one is being raped here, theres no garbage, begging, who doesnt, its so quiet here that you can hear it. From the cleanliness of the metro, but also from belarus as a whole, so the video stories of a spanishspeaking blogger who visited sineoka last summer aroused unprecedented interest and showed her subscribers how our people live, now there are more than 3 million views and a huge number of positive comments. Olga davidovich, mikhail trugakov, Television News agency. Two highprofile corruption scandals have broken out in europe; although they are local, they can also have a global resonance. In belgium there are three highranking prosecutors at once. Accused of corruption, this case is notable for the fact that last year the said trio of investigators themselves were investigating the Corruption Case of the vicespeaker of the European Parliament and her associates. And in latvia, corrupt officials turned out to be the former head of the local Central Electoral Comm