Benson, Anita Vogel and charlie. Welcome to a special second hour of the big weekend show. The big Story Tonight is Fox News alert. The Israeli Defense Forces are conducting retaliatory strikes against the irani Bacteria Group Hezbollah this in response the one or 15 aerial attacks toward civilian areas in Northern Israel for it Fox News Correspondent Mike Towbin is in Tel Aviv tonight. After a week in which thousands of hezbollah fighters top commanders were killed, Israel Chief of staff said if hezbollah does not understand it will get another blow until it does. When the rockets flying wiTh A video for the rockets made it through israels defenses and impacted in a small town to the port city. Rocco brushes commit israel all night long with the greatest intensity in the morning hours for that was followed by Attack Drones entering israeli airspace. In light of the rocket attacks the israeli Air Force Increase attacks in southern Leather Lovd Lebanon the idf said they had some 400 Roc
Benson, anita vogel and charlie. Welcome to a special second hour of the big weekend show. The big story tonight is fox news alert. The israeli defense forces are conducting retaliatory strikes against the irani bacteria group hezbollah this in response the one or 15 aerial attacks toward civilian areas in northern israel for it fox news correspondent mike towbin is in tel aviv tonight. After a week in which thousands of hezbollah fighters top commanders were killed, israel chief of staff said if hezbollah does not understand it will get another blow until it does. When the rockets flying with a video for the rockets made it through israel s defenses and impacted in a small town to the port city. Rocco brushes commit israel all night long with the greatest intensity in the morning hours for that was followed by attack drones entering israeli airspace. In light of the rocket attacks the israeli air force increase attacks in southern leather lovd lebanon the idf said they had some 400 ro
There is a new threat tracking system now in place at schools across Florida. Bob Gualtieri, Pinellas County Sheriff, said the new system will keep threat records organized.
rubio said definitively in a debate this election is not going to be rigged, there is no evidence behind any of this and donald trump should stop talking about it. well, the first thing i would say is let s talk about the f florida system. it is very very safe. we are a paper based system that goes through optical scanners on a closed network. in a worst case scenario we can recreate the election here in florida. let s talk about what the florida democrat party and hillary clinton s campaign did in the state of florida this week. they actually filed a lawsuit asking a judge to count the votes of people who are not registered in the state of florida. that is unprecedented. it s scary. it can create chaos. what they did was basically ask a judge to have anybody who shows up to the polls not even to verify they are registered to come in and cast a vote. that is unprecedente eed it s scary. thanks god the judge shot that down. so it s not happening. got it. thank you so much for joinin