The prospect of Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz being hoisted by his own “family values” petard is certainly enticing. And when that scandal comes complete with ABC News reporting that Gaetz was a member of a “group of young male lawmakers” who turned scoring sex with “interns, staffers or other female colleagues” into a game, and The New York Times is reporting that Gaetz continued soliciting women for paid sex well after he announced his engagement, all the elements are certainly there for for an atomic wedgie level of hoist.
However, the growing scandal around Gaetz is not something that took place in a vacuum. In addition to Gaetz and Florida Republican Joel Greenberg, there’s at least one other unnamed Republican official involved in this sex trafficking ring. More importantly, there are a lot more unnamed people involved like the women who Gaetz, Greenberg, and associates paid to travel across states for the purposes of having sex. At least one of th