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LRHS boys and girls basketball teams ranked in the top ten while boys soccer ranked in the top 20 -
Boys basketball has a 3.388 cumulative class GPA.
Girls basketball has a 3.543 cumulative class GPA.
Boys soccer has a 3.277 cumulative class GPA.
Boys basketball coach Jeremy Schiller said, I am so proud of my team for working to maintain a high GPA during COVID-19.
Students, Faculty and Staff Highlighted at EFSC Trustees Meeting
February 9, 2021 - Eastern Florida State College honored students, faculty and staff Tuesday for outstanding accomplishments in 2020.
2020 EFSC Distinguished Educator Marina Baratian accepts a certificate from college President Dr. Jim Richey during a meeting marked by pandemic safety protocols.
The recognition came during the college’s Board of Trustees meeting as a way to publicly recognize achievements in the classroom and workplace.
“Everyone at the college went above and beyond in 2020 for their efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These individuals stand out for all that and more,” said college President Dr. Jim Richey.