NORTHAMPTON Downtown Northampton will come alive next weekend with a full slate of activities for families on Friday and Saturday, including the return of a once-annual celebration of local food.The Downtown Northampton Association (DNA) will host.
Debra Bercuvitz: Community spirit in Northampton
Published: 7/6/2020 7:15:44 PM
One of the too many things that distinguishes the COVID-19 response in the U.S. compared to other countries is the lack of concern for others as demonstrated by not wearing masks.
Individualism has historically only benefited some portions of the population, and has contributed to persistent inequities. I am appreciative of every mask-wearing person I see, because I know that they are willing to make sacrifices for my well-being. This community spirit was reflected in my family recently.
We had the opportunity to both receive and donate, to be cared for and to care for others. My son, a senior at Northampton High School, received thoughtful graduation gifts organized by Goggins Real Estate and local businesses who donated to the effort: Florence Diner, Webber & Grinnell Insurance, Florence Hardware, MBS Advisors, Florence Village Flowers, Pioneer Precision Optics, Murduffs Jewelry, Streetlight Finan