NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE ST. LOUIS COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the St. Louis County Planning Commission will conduct a hybrid virtual and in-person public hearing on Thursday, June 9, 2022, beginning at 9:00 AM at the Government Services Center, 201 South 3rd Avenue West, Virginia, MN, regarding the following: 1. Jenna Asuma, a conditional use permit for a Commercial Planned Development Use -Class II. THAT PART OF LOT 2 LYING W OF A LINE RUNNING FROM A POINT 800 FT E OF SW CORNER THENCE N 7 DEG 30 MIN W 800 FT THENCE N 59 DEG 30 MIN W 440 FT TO THE LAKE SHORE S26, T58 N, R16 W (Biwabik). – 9:30 AM 2. Florence Alsaker, a conditional use permit for a general purpose borrow pit as an Extractive Use – Class II. NW ¼ of SW ¼ S24, T59 N, R21 W (Unorganized). – 10:00 AM 3. Lake Vermilion Houseboats Inc., a conditional use permit for a Short-Term Rental as a Residential Use - Class II. Lot 1, Block 1, of Onaman Beach plat, EXCEPT Beginn