writes. and what they did, you heard about the guy stealing the slice of pizza and going to jail for life. that was their poster child they put up there but what they didn t say is his violent history before he stole the slice of pizza that sent him to jail for life. in order to get to that point he had to have a series of violent felony convictions and that is what they didn t say. all they said was he stole a slice of pizza and went to jail for life. that is how they got people on board to not go for that law, it s ridiculous. laura: i want to play something that happened in the white house briefing room today. this is our own peter doocy asking a question of jen psaki about why crime is exploding. watch. when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store, cbs, nordstrom, home depot went all the shelves are clean, do you think that is because of the pandemic? i think the root cause and a lot of communities as the
so for example, in los angeles, we have seen a rash of robberies per the fbi s providing assistance to multijurisdictional task force. led by the l.a. police department. i would also note on top of that, the department of justice announced last week that san francisco, where a number of high-profile retail theft of heaven, will get money to hire 50 more police officers through the cops program that the president has champion. that came as part of nearly $150 million in similar grants, nationwide. just a few updates. sandra: ari, important to provide context. that was her circling back on a conversation that she and peter had yesterday. for which she was highly criticized, and forgive me for plane one more bite, but this was the moment where she placed blame for all of his crime on the pandemic. listen. so when a huge group of criminals organize themselves and they want to go loot a store, cvs, nordstrom, home depot, until the shelves
we ve also worked with a range of come unteals across the country on strike forces, something we ve talked about in the past and continuing to implement that from the department of justice. the president absolutely believes community police forces can have an important instrumental effect in helping keep communities safe. does the president think crime is up because of the pandemic? many people have conveyed that and also one of the reasons that one of the root reasons crime root causes of crime in communities is gun and gun violence and we ve seen that statistically around the country. when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and want to go loot a store, cvs, nordstrom and home depo, you think it s because of the pandemic? yes. i want to follow up harris: that is quite the
organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store, cbs, nordstrom, a home depot until the shelves are clean, do you think that s because of the pandemic? i think a root cause and a lot of communities as the pandemic, yes. dana: steve doocy does not age much. katie: i don t know about you, whenever i am trying to fight off covid, i don t take medicine, i steal a $2,000 person that s why. exactly the same thing. first i would say, mom, there are a lot of training horses out there for you in terms of self-defense and awareness and posts on the internet that you can take show you how to walk with your stroller, get your baby in and out of the car. even in california they have them come and take advantage, the other thing is that these are feel-good policies that leftist campaign on, oh, it will be more humane when there are fewer people in prison and we are going to release people not
andy touched on this a little bit. there s actually quite a few donald trump supporters, many many of them nfl owners, some coaches. one of them rex ryan who was the coach of my beloved buffalo bills last year. i remember him introducing donald trump oot a very large rally. listen to what he has to say yesterday. he s working for espn now. i m missed off. the i ll be honest. i supported donald trump. the i sat back and when he asked me to introduce him at a rally. in buffalo. i did that. but i m reading these comments, and it s apaul to go me. i m sure it s appalling to lm any citizen in h our country. it should be. calling our players sob s and all that kind of stuff, that s not the men that i know. the men that i know in the locker room i m proud of. i m proud to be associated with