Heavy rains in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, led to floods, prompting the evacuation of 696 pregnant women. Amidst relentless downpours, 142 women gave birth in hospitals. The Indian Navy conducted rescue missions, airlifting relief materials to inaccessible areas. Tamil Nadu s Chief Minister assured efforts for people s welfare, deploying disaster response forces and aiding over 12,000 rescued individuals in relief camps. He sought additional funds from PM Modi for affected districts, as heavy rains caused havoc in several areas, disrupting public transport. Efforts aim to restore normalcy in the coming days.
Indian Army troops, along with the Border Road Organisation (BRO) and local authorities, are working to reconnect North Sikkim following a flash flood that caused extensive damage. The BRO is attempting to reopen the main route, while the Army is focusing on an alternate route, which requires the construction of two bailey bridges over the Teesta River.