your word is.cow. cow. cow. c.o.w. .e.i.e.i.o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. several sgovtment bureaucracies get yier money your money to favor business. money is squandered. most of us heard the energy department lost 500 million of our collars on solyndra. we hear little about other losses like solar one, the try add ethanol plant and so on. the list is long. when the list is long people get scandal fatigue even when there
subsidies. we know in one case exxon mobil gave plane rides to officials before exxon went ahead and got a subsidy from export import bank. you say not just the bank but they took a survey of the employees in 2013. my organization s leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity. due agree? 42 percent disagree. 29 percent that s pretty high. we end up in a situation where they are handing out money. unlike government programs where every player in the industry gets a subsidy not every exporter gets an export bank subsidy. less than 2 percent get a subsidy. it is picking winners and losers. you put anybody in that situation you are going to get questions about honesty and integrity. there s going to be such an opportunity for kickbacks. one congressman who dwot got
authority. we have a clear fight over corporate welfare. that s the way the system works. that is our show tonight. now john stossel. capitalism let s entrepreneurs raise money so they can scale it up get the products and services to more people where there s free competition those are the best idea ks get more money and the best and cheapest products and services spread far and wide. that is why capitalism is great. then there is crapitalism. they partnered with politicians as the politicians gave your money to capital lists because the politicians know who is most deserving.
caught was william jefferson. william jefferson was caught with 90,000 in his fridge and now he is in jail. he got a 13 year sentence fon bribery charges. one of the things he did was demand bribes from a nigerian company. he got it as part of what they were paying him for. when that deal fell apart he found another nigerian company brought it together with the same company again taking bribes at the export import bank. nigerians got to the bank because maureen was indicted for taking 100,000 dollars bribe she worked at the bank. she was bank official. she got wired 100,000 dollars. the nigerian businessman ascended to her when he requested the money from his own bank he said this was a solicitation payment.
9 cartoon videos points out the xm bank has been dolling out for 80 years. you want to turn your back on tradition? they give great to american companies like sol linda and boeing so no vote could mean future contributions to your election campaign. i hadn t thought of that. those companies hire lobbyists give money to politicians to those who support it. it is crony capitalism. crap tallism. they pay foreigners to consumer products. that is what it does. they say it hasn t cost america a penny. it is still not here.