28 June 2021) - Hiscox Ltd (LSE:HSX) (the Issuer ), the international specialist insurer, announced on
3 June 2021 an invitation (such invitation, the Consent Solicitation ) to eligible holders of its outstanding Notes to consent to the modification of the terms and conditions (the Conditions ) of the Notes and consequential or related amendments to the trust deed dated
24 November 2015 relating to the Notes (as amended from time to time, the Trust Deed ), such that:
(i) for the purposes of the floating rate of interest applicable to the Notes from
24 November 2025 (the Fixed Rate End Date ), (a) the Floating Interest Rate (as defined in the Conditions) will be determined by reference to the Sterling Overnight Index Average ( SONIA ) (using Compounded Daily SONIA (as defined in the Consent Solicitation Memorandum (as defined below)) with a 5-day lag methodology and payable, subject as provided in the Conditions, quarterly) and not the 3-month Sterling London