a little further westwards. that will allow a very gentle north or north westerly flow of air across the country. and that ll bring just a subtle change in the temperatures, a slightly cooler day for many, a bit more cloud working into north sea coasts as well. some cloud for north west scotland, parts of northern ireland, and you ll see maybe just the odd shower, the odd sharp shower breaking out across southern areas. those temperatures a little down, still quite warm in the south. a little bit cooler further north. as we look further ahead, there is a lot of dry weather on offer this week. still some relatively high temperatures. it mayjust start to turn a bit more unsettled by friday.
england, parts of wales. the lower levels further north only because we ll have more in the way of cloud. so, as we head through sunday evening and into the early hours of monday, we keep clear spells, especially across england and wales. still more cloud at times across scotland and northern ireland, some mist and murk. and it will be another very warm and muggy night. 0vernight lows between 12 17 degrees. so, we start monday with high pressure still in charge, but notice the centre of the high is slipping a little further westwards. that will allow a very gentle north or north westerly flow of air across the country. and that ll bring just a subtle change in the temperatures, a slightly cooler day for many, a bit more cloud working into north sea coasts as well. some cloud for north west scotland, parts of northern ireland, and you ll see maybe just the odd shower, the odd sharp shower breaking out across southern areas. those temperatures a little down, still quite warm in the south
scotland, parts of northern ireland, and you ll see maybe just the odd shower, the odd sharp shower breaking out across southern areas. those temperatures a little down, still quite warm in the south. a little bit cooler further north. as we look further ahead, there is a lot of dry weather on offer this week. still some relatively high temperatures. it mayjust start to turn a bit more unsettled by friday.
and that ll bring just a subtle change in the temperatures, a slightly cooler day for many, a bit more cloud working into north sea coasts as well. some cloud for north west scotland, parts of northern ireland, and you ll see maybe just the odd shower, the odd sharp shower breaking out across southern areas. those temperatures a little down, still quite warm in the south. a little bit cooler further north. as we look further ahead, there is a lot of dry weather on offer this week. still some relatively high temperatures. it mayjust start to turn a bit more unsettled by friday.
of air across the country. and that ll bring just a subtle change in the temperatures, a slightly cooler day for many, a bit more cloud working into north sea coasts as well. some cloud for north west scotland, parts of northern ireland, and you ll see maybe just the odd shower, the odd sharp shower breaking out across southern areas. those temperatures a little down, still quite warm in the south. a little bit cooler further north. as we look further ahead, there is a lot of dry weather on offer this week. still some relatively high temperatures. it mayjust start to turn a bit more unsettled by friday.