achieving greater intensities. reporter: it was the same thing that happened on the west coast earlier in the week, leaving roads impassable and flipping semitrucks. both storms broke october records. there is an underlying factor, and that s the warming of the oceans caused by global warming. reporter: and there will be no rest for the weary. more stormy weather is on its way stephanie gosk, nbc news, ducksbury, massachusetts. in fact, those severe storms are continuing tonight across the gulf coast and southeast with millions in their paths. al roker is here al, what is the latest lester, we ve already got tornado watches up now for a good portion of the western gulf coast and, in fact, those will extend on to late tonight. we also have a risk of severe weather stretching all the way from louisiana into florida for five million people tornados, hail, damaging winds also a problem. that moves to the southeast tomorrow from the carolinas all the way down to florida, 15 millio