Timing is everything. The city of Flint was recently able to avert a water crisis, because of a newly constructed secondary water pipeline. Great Lakes Water Authority or GLWA is
Update : Charges against former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder in connection with the Flint water scandal have been thrown out by the state's top court. The Michigan Supreme Court.
This portion of the timeline encompasses January 2015 - June 2015.
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January 2015
January 1, 2015: MDEQ begins second six-month Flint lead/copper monitoring period. First testing period shows a 90th percentile reading of six parts per billion of lead in Flint tap water.
The Flint Department of Public Works plans to resume the flow of water from the Detroit area when a valve replacement project is complete at a city control station.
The defendants all asked the court to throw out subpoenas requiring them to testify in the ongoing trial. But Levy ruled in March that they all have to appear in