Again, now, were expecting 20 minutes for the for the main recovery vessel to go navigator to reach dragon. By that point the rigging will be fixed and they use at frame lift on the back and the end of dragon up out of the water. They got them climbing around and getting that fixed. Still doing good from all of their reports and were going to see the vessel continue to close in. It is 1. 3 nautical miles still away. You see things sharpen up as it does draw up closer. One thing i didnt get to mention as the sequence was happening, everything was going so quickly, just before the drove deployment, the seats rotated to 25 degrees and if you think of bob and doug while they were still on orbit and during the orbit burn and departure burns, they were laying closer to on their backs and they were essentially looking up at the tap. They were at the top of the nose cone. Now the seats would be rotated and theyre in more upright position and thats done to insure that the load is experienced fr
Hatch opening. Good news. Thats good news, indeed. Confirmation that the purge is complete and near going to do one more test to make sure that all of the fumes of concern are away and that it is safe to open the side hatch and retrieve bob and doug. Once that side hatch is open our Flight Surgeon will be the first to say hello, get a quick medical checkup, but based on the reports that theyve been that the crew have been have been giving us along the way, it sounds like theyre doing great, theyre feeling good and theyre pretty comfortable inside of crew dragon. Dragon spacex, we show being below limits and proceeding with hatch opening. Okay. Great news. Thanks. All right. So theres the green light weve been waiting for. And in fact the green light weve been waiting for for for months at this point, this is our first opportunity to say hello to bob and doug our favorite space dads as they are now about to to to egress or exit from dragon crew endeavor. The culmination of what is about
You new programs and publishing news. You can watch our archive evidence programs anytime at booktv. Org. Senator Martha Mcsally is a republican from arizona the awe or if the book, dare to fly. Senator mcsally, how did you become known also the a10 check who likes to dip . Guest well, i share that journey in day to fly. Thank you for having me on. I went from being a shy, pudgy, motion sick little girl to being our first woman in u. S. History to fly a fighter jet in combat, and when the law was finally changed it was against the law and against poll i si i broke through the barrier for the women and girls behind me and it was not an easy journey and i was trying to show could i fly the jet, it doesnt care if youre a boy or girl. Just care weather you fly well and shoot straight. But it was a challenging time so is decided to kind of beat them at their own game as they were playing fighter polite gyms and one thereof these things would chewing tobacco. I hair she story how somebody sa
My prayers go out to the floyd family and the other families of a long list of other victims and loved ones. I stand in solidarity with all those who have peacefully patriotically challenging the status quo. Are about the treatment of africanamericans at the hands of police. They are also about the systemic racial inequities that have festered in our society for years. They are now magnified by the coronavirus that we are here to talk about. Inequity is particularly stark in health bare by has been laid this pandemic. Latinos,mericans, native americans, and other people of color have tested positive, been hospitalized, and died from covid19 at alarming rates. , african are dying at a rate that is double what would be expected given their share of the population. Infectedhat have been ina disproportionate rate every state that report these data. And native americans, who represent just 4 of the are 21 ofin arizona the coronavirus deaths in that state. Subcommittees briefing, we heard fr
Communities of color including africanamericans, latinos, asians and pacific americans and native americans. This is an hour and 50 minutes. Right now across the country, citizens are coming together to protest racial injustices. These protests began in response to a public lynching of george floyd by Minneapolis Police and the recent killings of other americans at the hands of those who are supposed to protect them. My prayers go out to the floyd family and other families, a long list of other victims and their loved ones. I stand in solidarity with all those who are protesting and patriotically challenging the status quo. These protests are about more than the pigment of africanamericans at the hands of police. There about the systemic changes or gears. They are now magnified by the coronavirus that we are here to talk about. This racial inequity in healthcare, it has been laid out by this pandemic. Africanamericans, latinos, native americans and other people of color have tested pos