i started recording the cases of mistakes or misses to the change of command and 20% of the er nurses would retaliate against me and stop doing orders, refusing to answer questions and the administration was made aware of this but declined to stop the behavior. that was catherine mitchell a former director of the va emergency department. she blew the whistle among overcrowding and many other grieveious things going on under her watch. she said she feared for her patient s lifes in many cases
lot of money. is it 376 million. are you sure caou live with t. 00-milliollar in the end,to the government, you get 6.9ion the w wh tafia r the lotto then c the numbers. rt. you got thehole thing. wyou won, you won. if you said the jackp was x, you go x. they d t t n a great endorsement. endorsemt of the mafia. ointing outhis is a crooked scheme run by the government. i know we for this. iissent. i m not for it. if you lost, t your lifes taken. show you didn t pay up. thercould be a proble there was a traightforwardne about it what s the mesage the governm endi to you is, youare an idiot to you cd get sog to thing if your shi comes in out of pure luc you could be rich and not work again.
for three, five years. they knew what my son was doing. the as entiring boxer was arrested in 2009 for domestic abuse. in the years following, he quit school, wed a woman named katherine russell, and became a father. his wife s family releasing this statement, our daughter has lost her husband today, the father of her child. we cannot begin to comprehend how this horrible tragedy occurred. in the aftermath of the patriots day horror, we know that we never really knew tamerlan tsarnaev. his uncle also in shock. he decided to take lifes of innocent people, hurt innocent people. i may believe he s pabeen full evil. he turned to be evil. there is even if there is speculation that there was some political views, no, there were no political views. i say there were no political based on what i know about him.
there has been a real tipping point in this country that sees mass shootings happen more and more frequently and on a greater scale. people who have been doing this for much of their professional life say there has never been a moment like this. so what is doable? what is number one? is it the background checks? i think that this is one of those times when good policy and good politics actually come in the same package. it s a good time for that. background checks are something that most people already take. but 50% of the gun sales in this country may not be subject to them because they re sold over the internet or at a gun show by an unlicensed private seller. only dealers have to give background checks. and dealers don t like that very much. so feasibly, that would be the easiest thing to implement, comprehensive background checks, because some people already get checks. so the infrastructure is in place there? the infrastructure is in place. 74% of nra members think giving
know there was no action. we were safe. out of fear for them. and i was in a truck in irackk. i just remember hearing a whist and he will then blackness. oceans like the wounded warrior projectts help them to get their lifes back together. last night i was able to host and emcee a dinner for accosta and helping heroes is the name . program and to help talk about that and how to help out the wounded warrior so much more. chairman of the acasta. and nancy who you heard talk about the time in iraq. you say i own a ice cream shop and signed up for the marines and next thing you know you end up in iraq. when you talk about that as you did lastt nightt when the explosionn and you lose your