When the Majority Suffers: The Case for Intellectual Diversity on College Campuses
When the Majority Suffers: The Case for Intellectual Diversity on College Campuses
December 16, 2020
2020 has been a tumultuous year. Even without considering COVID-19, the internal strife within the United States is at its explosive peak. The two parties are raging against each other, families are split down the middle, and political disagreements have become dangerously redefined in moral terms that attack people’s characters rather than their reasoning.
Amidst this chaos, many college students are back at school. Much has been written about the contributions that colleges make to today’s polarization, particularly when ideological uniformity on campus leads to discrimination against those who disagree. And yes, when used as a tool for censorship, ideological homogeneity on college campuses is a destructive force against the political minority. Yet, at the same time, because they are consta