The accompanying video is part 1 of a short film by American director duo, TUSK (Camila Cabello, Alessia Cara, Tate McRae). Shot in Prague, Czech Republic, the visual follows a queer spy romance, set in 1950’s Hollywood. Starring Karin Ann alongside British-American athlete and actor Gus Kenworthy, and US actress Ashley Moore.
29 years ago today, Oasis released their debut studio album, Definitely Maybe via Creation Records. The only album to feature all five of the original member.
It may be summer, Huskies, but classes are still happening. What music will accompany the study sessions to come? There are two sides to this coin: while some people prefer upbeat tunes for studying, others would rather listen to calming, more serene compositions. But there is a grey area: here’s a hybrid playlist perfect for.