This is a preview of the Flatline Arena Soundtrack (album) called Collateral Damage. The album consists of 16 tracks (for now) with total runtime of 53 minutes.
What will happen if you check on an old time classic Half-Life map from the point of view of Wayland Corporation? I m not sure, but I guess this one has to do it. Can you spot the UFO on the map?
I this tutorial I will show you how to create new consumable ammo in Half-Life 1, then how to use it for the ammo for the HL1 weapon Egon. In other words, the egon and gauss will no longer share ammo, thus you can have gauss depleted, but still have.
This will be a two part tutorial. In the first part, I will show you how to populate the [Details] tab for your dll or exe file you would like to compile. In the second part, I will show you how to digitally stamp you dll or exe file with Digital Signature.