PHUKET: Barbara Lange, the 75-year-old German tourist who was rescued from being lost in the Phuket jungle after being missing for seven days, has gone home.
course, with 58, 58 59%, this core is quite important but at the same time there are two things that makes everyone wonder about what will happen after this. we know that the gap between himself and marine le pen about five years ago was about 10 million votes difference, it is nowjust 5 million votes and you have more than 40% of the population that divided you vote for marine le pen so the question here, on how to rebuild something around that, with a more polarised flange than other so that is a difficult question. you also have to consider that emmanuel macron, when he came in in 2017, he used the effect of destroying the traditional parties, the opposition from left and right, but now he has new opponents, that have built something quite different with the extreme right with marine le pen and also from the left from