overlooking tahrir square. this is a ground level view of tahrir square. usually it s full of cars and traffic, almost impossible to cross the street. for the last 2 1/2 weeks it s been a rallying point for the demonstrators. they seem to be having a bit of fun with the fire. i think i d be a little more careful. tonight is a night of celebration. there are many questions to be answered over the coming weeks and months. opposition parties how they will be organized, when elections will take place. what will be the role of the interior ministry and the secret police who has intimidated and harassed egyptians over the last decades. will that be dismantled? will the military succeed in turning it into a democratic state? right now, though, flame throwers in tahrir square. wolf? it s like a carnival, a circus, a celebration. we saw fireworks, we re hearing the music, seeing the dancing, the flame throwing. it s a party.
reporters would have been lauded on the best reporters on the planet if it didn t work, they let the terrorist go away. these two megastories these week, the time square bombing and the gulf oil spill we will talk about an american city was under water, the flooding in nash service horrible, at least 27 people were kill and that did not become a national story. i wonder whether it was overshadowed or because there was no political storyline, we didn t have anything to argue about so it didn t become cable and network news fodder. let me get a break. when we come back, we are seeing the same kind of partisan flame throwing over the gulf oil disaster. the anchor does a heck of a job on brownie and his wild accusations. later, newsweek editor john meachum on his last-ditch effort to save his magazine.