prelty plain way. frars a conversation between the u.s. the southies. he tweeteds them repercussions will be fire on whose froe flame it. that s not surprising at all. and this is part offf a coordinated campaign. frars it s not that complicated. and course the government is going to side with their friends. but that s a usesless addition to the debate and any criticisms on the calls for that is there any wavering at all
on twitter? ooh, this is a good thread. with malice toward none, with charity for all. with firmness in the right as god gives us to see the right. let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan. to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. in the end, twitter is just a tool, like a blade or a flame it can be used to harm or heal, to create or destroy. and with all tools, it all comes down to the person holding it. with the exception of the late, great abraham lincoln, i can be more presidential than 20171122 020000 Anderson Cooper 360/CNNW 20171122 020000 Anderson Cooper 360.thumbs/CNNW 20171122 020000 Anderson Cooper 360 003538.jpg />
streaks from space. that s oil. that s part of tslick. video images today, booms trying to contain oil as it makes its way toward the shore. the obama administration sent a team down there today. among them, the interior secretary who made clear in his view, bp, which owned that rig that exploded should be held accountable for every cost of this operation. we cannot rest and we will not rest until bp permanently seals the well head and until they clean up every drop of oil. so the assessment of how bad have changed throughout the week. the magic wall, let s take a closer look. you see images of the gulf coast here. i want to show you this. here s what the slick looked like on thursday. pop this up. you get it right in all right. let s see there we go. come on in. this is the slick on thursday. the darker areas in the middle is the heavier concentration of oil. the orange line around the outside, when they burn some of this off, flame it you get tar