Scientology has been accused of child trafficking, covering up multiple sexual assaults, forced labour and other abuses against three Australian residents as part of a significant legal claim.
Scientology has been accused of child trafficking, covering up multiple sexual assaults, forced labour and other abuses against three Australian residents as part of a significant legal claim.
Scientology has been accused of child trafficking, covering up multiple sexual assaults, forced labour and other abuses against three Australian residents as part of a significant legal claim.
reporter: from celebrity members like tom cruise, to the legions of unknown uniformed worker bees behind the scenes, the book going clear is a sweeping look at scientology. life after death is life after death. reporter: the book traces the faith of its founding ron l. hubbard to its current leader, david miscavige. i ve never met a more competent, a more intelligent, a more tolerant and compassionate being. we are lucky it have you and thank you very much. reporter: but some have accused reporter: but some have and miscavige of being physically abusive. debbie cook once ran the flag base in clear water, florida. i witnessed mr. miscavige physically punching. reporter: as part of a now settled court battle with the church, she testified she saw miscavige punch a fellow