here for mueller. i think what he is doing seems to be completely in the bounds of what is ordinary and proper investigative techniques. he is pursuing the right people wherever he finds the lead, he s going. he is following it where it is taking him in figuring out the truth. some of this we read, manafort s fizy warrant goes back before the campaign and had to do with his representation of ukrainians. it had nothing to do with the campaign. it just then expanded as we got into more and more. i think that s something that can always happen. once you start looking, you don t know where it will lead and you have to follow the leads everywhere they take you. that s what mueller is doing which is quite proper. you point to what is a big question. if there was a previous fisa
ask what else have you done that justifies us allowing you to do this? that means there was evidence out there. does it blow your mind a little bit to consider the fact that this is an individual under a fairly rarified form of surveillance, fisa and lots of questions about how that interacts with the citizenship and the due process protections they have. that a person under warrant like that is speaking to the incoming president of the united states and probably recorded and surveilled. you know, the reports that i read on cnn and the new york times is that it may have been for prior contacts with pro russian ukrainians and whether that s true or not, we don t know. i think that paul manafort s prior contacts with russia and the ukrainians and prior contacts and carter page s contact were not disqualifierdi. they are bullet points on the
to use all the tools at your disposal. sometimes that is a fear factor which is what is being suggested here for mueller. i think what he is doing seems to be completely in the bounds of what is ordinary and proper investigative techniques. he is pursuing the right people wherever he finds the lead, he s going. he is following it where it is taking him in figuring out the truth. some of this we read, manafort s fizy warrant goes back before the campaign and had to do with his representation of ukrainians. it had nothing to do with the campaign. it just then expanded as we got into more and more. i think that s something that can always happen. once you start looking, you don t know where it will lead and you have to follow the leads everywhere they take you. that s what mueller is doing which is quite proper. you point to what is a big question. if there was a previous fisa warrant that led to the wire
they don t want to assist in the investigation. are we curious enough and do we have the will and the courage to do what s right? i would like to get your reaction from the house intelligence, one of the three bodies investigating what happened with the campaign and russia. to the reporting yesterday that there was a fisa warrant under which paul manafort was having phone conversations tapped and listened to and surveilled. that was during the period late summer into the fall and after the election. what do you make of that? considering, chris, how determined and how sophisticated the attack was that the rugs carried out, i hope our investigators are as dogged in pursuing who was responsible. i can t speak to or confirm whether or not that warrant existed, but getting electronic warrants has to be signed off by a judge and there has to be evidence. that s a means of last resort to go to that and the courts will
warrant that led to the wire tapping of manafort, what triggered the second round that is a key question we will have answered soon enough. thank you. thank you. still ahead, the republican race to repeal obamacare gains steam yet again. cory booker joins me on that ahead. what happened when the president tested out his twitter material in front of the united nations. coming up in just two minutes. don t let dust and allergens get between you and life s beautiful moments. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill.