a crime that italy has only introduced in recent years the slave holders in this case where the foreman. and a couple of. the foreman decided when and what they could eat. where and what they could drink and he sold everything for an exorbitant price. a small bottle of mineral water cost three euro. a bread roll three euros fifty and even though twenty five people were taken to work on one truck each one had to pay five euros for the journey that aging. a police raid resulted in the arrest of twenty people eleven of them received prison sentences ranging up to eleven years each. they included a farmer and a number of foreman. this man known as giuseppe the tunisian was especially brutal
a better life as millions to the big cities has power the world economy generating an unbelievable seventy five percent of global g.d.p. today but city dwellers compete for foldable housing for example and that is a problem today here are made in germany big cities on the move. the laws of economics say supply and demand determine the price of a good if many people want to live in say berlin and housing is scarce you have to blow a big chunk of your income on your rent for decades berlin has been a happy place rents were famously low ten years ago for example tenants paid five euros per square meter today it s nearer ten compared to other big cities around the world in paris you pay twenty six years and in singapore you have to fork out three times as much as the average berlin bus proper to develop developers have discovered this lucrative market and show little respect for the fact that every
we only have. you know cobra. source of income so our conmen try to find ways with people to win more money and this is one of the one of their income no income for the fall by scott he takes seven liters of sap to produce one kilogram of palm sugar. for you and you ve already said this is how you have to do it when you ve reached this point the fire mustn t be too hot you have to stir it the whole time watch how i do it you have to push the toady up the side until it becomes hard and powdery the palm sugar from by on you said to be sold for five euros per kilo. and i m going to continue with this work we can earn money that way and we can use that money to feed our families oh my god the way.
try to find ways with people to win more money and this is one of the one of their income no income for the fall by god it takes seven liters of sap to produce one kilogram of palm sugar. for your good work this is how you have to do it when you ve reached this point the fire mustn t be too hot you have to stir it the whole time watch how i do it you have to push the toady up the side until it becomes hard and a powdery palm sugar from by on you said to be sold for five euros per kilo. and i m going to continue with this work we can earn money that way and we can use that money to feed our families oh my god the way.
a salary of six thousand seven hundred sixty euros a month and they re looking for staff so apply now. that was the ship frank and now short and sweet the shift snapshot. goes. witches and things that go bump in the night it s halloween season. but are all those creepy tales that we hear really just made up jenny and tony brewski don t think so the couple from kansas run the real ghost stories online town cast it s a call in show where listeners talk about their creepy encounters. and i could feel the wind of the. fans love these scary stories there are almost two million downloads each month on you tube i dunes and other podcast platforms and for about five euros fans gets a. spooky bonus material. that was the snapshot of now