at her own background. let me jump in and say this. let s compare sarah palin s response to when she was wronged to mitt romney s response. just don t say anything else. all i m going to say. mitt romney showed total class he. that s all you can do. people have said horrible things about all of us. if somebody comes up and apologizes, it s all right. as long as they don t bring my kids into it. the fact they brought their granddaughter into and it mitt was say, we are cool. we shouldn t excuse what happened is offending incident but the way melissa handled it was pitch-perfect. i know the same way martin felt because i was in touch with him too. melissa feels terrible about it and the apologize was heartfelt. she has apologized and it s time to move on as mitt romney said. still ahead on morning
kind of resentment politics. joy, that room and i ve listened from the tape from beginning to end, it was reeking of resentment and resentment is the mildest word you could use for what s in that room. absolutely. i, like you, had to go back and listen again. it was so stunning. and the party found the most complem plarry what as wrong with being rich? we kill ourselves. we don t get to be around our families. i missed my kid s lacrosse games. we re suffering, why don t you go out and defend it mitt. this attitude of we re the ones dragging along the balance aft of the losers who are not as good as we are, it is the defining principle of conservatism right now and that s why mitt can t walk away. let s take a look at the big
lion s den when he speaks at the cpac conference. the same place he ended his presidential campaign four years ago. it s there he s expected to retool his message. but will anyone buy it? a poll out this week shows 52% of americans like willard less as they learn more about him. and the guy who wants to face president obama is surging on with his message of fairness. the president s leading romney by six-point margin. today s speech could make or break the moment for him. joining me now, bob franken, a kings feature syndicated columnist and erin mcpeak of real clear politics. thank you both for being here tonight. bob, how much trouble is mitt really in? well, you used the word willard woes. i ve been calling it mitt s
damage. newt likes to marry thoughts together and people. thanks. great to see you both today. thank you. coming up, so is it mitt s race to lose? we re joined by his south carolina state chairman. that and much more straight ahead here on the martin bashi bashir . [ female announcer ] investing for yourself is a necessity. i find investments with e-trade s top 5 lists and use pre-defined screeners to work smarter. not harder. i depend on myself to take charge of my financial future. [ bell dinging ] try bayer advanced aspirin. it s not the bayer aspirin you know. it s different. first, it s been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast, and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it s proven to relieve pain