on that one. all righty, then, reynolds. that s a look at what s happening around the nation. enjoy, you ve been warned. yes, we have. here s something we also do every weekend morning. the best sound of the week. yeah. so can we get a drum roll? no surprise it s from the world s most famous golfer. mom, can i have the fish? speaking of, what s on friday s menu? friday is fish day. well, maybe it should be tuna helper day. mmmm. fish delish, yes? i ll take it. sold! tuna helper. one tasty meal.
cleelgs in a column recently about how she wasn t really defining her first lady platform. i think this is a response to those critics, following in the food steps of nancy reagan just say no, barbara bush, read. i think this is a defineing issue for her. speaking of prominent women in politics, up next, sarah palin seizes the media spotlight again and gets pill loried from looking at her hand for notes. why we just can t get enough of the woman from was sill la. mom, can i have the fish? speaking of, what s on friday s menu? friday is fish day. well, maybe it should be tuna helper day. mmmm. fish delish, yes? i ll take it. sold! tuna helper. one tasty meal.
make it irresistible. indoor delights. feed the senses. speaking of, what s on friday s menu? friday is fish day. well, maybe it should be tuna helper day. mmmm. fish delish, yes? i ll take it. sold! tuna helper. one tasty meal. an everyday moment can turn romantic at a moment s notice. and when it does, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis. with two clinically proven dosing options, you can choose the moment that s right for you and your partner. 36-hour cialis and cialis for daily use. cialis for daily use is a low-dose tablet you take every day, so you can be ready anytime the moment s right. day or night. tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you re healthy enough for sexual activity. don t take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don t drink alcohol in excess with cialis.
restaurants, so is the economy going to be taking another big hit because of the weather? stay with us. friday is fish day. well, maybe it should be tuna helper day. mmmm. fish delish, yes? i ll take it. sold! tuna helper. one tasty meal. (announcer) you can make a bigger difference in the world.