For almost 25 years, the preservation of Internet Freedom has been the hallmark of a thriving Digital Economy in the United States. The success has largely been attributed to a light touch Regulatory Framework and to section 230 of the communications decisions the act, the 26 words they created the internet. There is little dispute that section 230 played an early role ofthe Critical Development Online Platforms. It provides protection from liability to remove and moderate content that take what their users consider to be obscene, filthy,cinius, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. This shield has been pivotal in protecting Online Platforms from but it has also given these internet platforms the ability to control, cycle, and even censor content in whatever manner. The time has come for that free pass to end. 230, 24 years of section much has changed. The internet is no longer in emerging technology. Companies before us today are no longer scrappy startups operat
before the senate subcommittee on strategic forces. called to order the meeting of the strategic forces subcommittee of the senate committee of armed services. our hearing today is on the subject of the space force. i want to thank general salzman for being with us today before this committee and the purpose of the hearing is to understand your vision and priorities for the space force as its second chief of space operations. while the budget for the department of defense and space force has just been released, we plan to have a space budget hearing which includes the space force later in may after we have had time to understand in detail the president budget request. there are many complicated topics such as missile warning and launch that will take time to understand and are not right for this hearing today, but we will take up in may. instead the hearing will focus on you, general. this is your opportunity to explain to the subcommittee and the public how you will train
before the senate subcommittee on strategic forces. called to order the meeting of the strategic forces subcommittee of the senate committee of armed services. our hearing today is on the subject of the space force. i want to thank general salzman for being with us today before this committee and the purpose of the hearing is to understand your vision and priorities for the space force as its second chief of space operations. while the budget for the department of defense and space force has just been released, we plan to have a space budget hearing which includes the space force later in may after we have had time to understand in detail the president budget request. there are many complicated topics such as missile warning and launch that will take time to understand and are not right for this hearing today, but we will take up in may. instead the hearing will focus on you, general. this is your opportunity to explain to the subcommittee and the public how you will train
called to order the meeting of the strategic forces subcommittee of the senate committee of armed services. our hearing today is on the subject of the space force. i want to thank general salzman for being with us today before this commiee and the purpose of the hearing is to understan your visn and priorities for the space force as its second chief of space operations. while the budget for the departmentf defense and space force has just been released, we plan to have a space budget hearing which includes the space force later in may after we have had time to understand in detail the president budget request. there are many complicated topics such as missile warning and launch that will take time to understand and are not right for this hearing today, but we will take up in may. instead the hearing will focus on you, general. this is your opportunity to explain to the subcommittee and the public how you will train and equip the space force as the department of defense sepa