Photos at the start of 2020 mirrored previous years: crowded ClubFests, student activism, Ithaca weather and hockey games. But as a raging pandemic canceled events and closed campus, the photos depicted a shift in daily routines and customs that defined an unforgettable year.
Here’s a look at 2020 often called historic, unprecedented and one like no other in photos.
Students visit club booths during Spring ClubFest at Barton Hall on Feb. 2. Featuring about 320 clubs and an array of performances, the event gave students the opportunity to learn about and join on-campus organizations encompassing a wide range of interests. (Michael Wenye Li/Sun File Photo)
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Spring tweaks to COVID-19 plan are based on fall’s lessons
While many factors have led to Cornell’s success to date in managing the spread of COVID-19 on campus, one unsung aspect has been the university’s commitment to analyze and learn, to pivot and adapt. Senior-level committees – working in close collaboration with the Tompkins County Health Department and Cayuga Medical Center – have met steadily throughout the pandemic to assess Cornell’s COVID-19 plan, and have suggested improvements that have shaped Cornell’s processes. The university will continue to evaluate and modify its approach as needed with agility through the spring semester.