when george bush i did. not really. sean: of course, i did. i complained a lot. anyone who knew obama but it s not really true because the $4 trillion that george bush gave us was on top of spending the surplas that we had. so he actually spent more than obama new fiscal debt, it was more. my biggest prp problem with romney, i am not convinced that he is serious about cutting the deficit that we need. it is $16 trillion. you say the $5 trillion that barack obama added, and romney s budget and plans don t make me jump in excitement for cutting spending. it seems like it s similar to the scatus quo. i want to be persuaded that he will cut. last comment. sean: this is really hard. my biggest complaint now beyond i think the president has governed in a pretty ideological and radical way when republicans say that we have to
when george bush i did. not really. sean: of course, i did. i complained a lot. anyone who knew obama but it s not really true because the $4 trillion that george bush gave us was on top of spending the surplas that we had. so he actually spent more than obama new fiscal debt, it was more. my biggest prp problem with romney, i am not convinced that he is serious about cutting the deficit that we need. it is $16 trillion. you say the $5 trillion that barack obama added, and romney s budget and plans don t make me jump in excitement for cutting spending. it seems like it s similar to the scatus quo. i want to be persuaded that he will cut. last comment. sean: this is really hard. my biggest complaint now beyond i think the president has governed in a pretty ideological and radical way when republicans say that we have to
i did. not really. sean: of course, i did. i complained a lot. anyone who knew obama but it s not really true because the $4 trillion that george bush gave us was on top of spending the surplas that we had. so he actually spent more than obama new fiscal debt, it was more. my biggest prp problem with romney, i am not convinced that he is serious about cutting the deficit that we need. it is $16 trillion. you say the $5 trillion that barack obama added, and romney s budget and plans don t make me jump in excitement for cutting spending. it seems like it s similar to the scatus quo. i want to be persuaded that he will cut. last comment. sean: this is really hard. my biggest complaint now beyond i think the president has governed in a pretty ideological and radical way when republicans say that we have to get ahold of entitlements, we