the fbi didn t do their job. they never verified it, they never corroborated, which is not only protocol but that is what the fisa law tells them to do. then the fbi user to secure a fisa warrant, that same thing christopher steele didn t even believe in, to spy on an opposition party candidate in an election year. of course they never told the fisa judge that the clinton campaign and the dnc pay for these unverified, salacious lies, and nobody had any clue if it was true. the daily caller is also highlighting how the book reveals a key source behind this ritz-carlton claim. it turns out that it s a foreign businessman. the thing is, he s telling the daily caller that the dossier is garbage news. that wasn t hard to figure out. whited in the food. i do it? finally, the washington times reporting on yet another major revelation. senior brought my state department official
not true that the president, the candidates, the president-elect, was part of this conspiracy. sean: dan bongino, there comes a point, okay, they thought this happened. but it s interesting how this boomerang tobacco. what do we find? hillary paid for the russian lies. hillary paid for the unverified dossier. the fbi got her off the hook because they rake the investigation into her. the fisa courts i think the fact that all of that is there and you don t hear about it from the media, it s beyond any comprehension i have. when they say they are supposed to be about finding truth and being fair, balanced, and subjective. i just don t see it anywhere. yeah, sean. let me throw another little tidbit out you that is going to scramble your eggs. you mentioned something in the opening about victoria nuland, barking in the state department, who had a role in arranging the fbi-christopher steele relationship.
official, victoria newland gave the original approval for an fbi agent to meet with christopher steele about the fake news dossier. that means that the obama administration was directly involved. we also reached out to newland for comment. her spokesperson got back to us but never districted us. we were just districted too old interviews. this new revelation is a key piece of information. why? because it started the entire process of spying on a trump campaign associate and then ultimately the trump campaign. so how is it possible think about this in the united states of america, the fbi never corroborated this phony dossier with russian lies? it violated its observe protocols, the fisa law itself. this is a massive abuse of power. and by the way, the full scope of this is only slowly being
saying for a long time needed to be done. that would be appointing a second special counsel to investigate rampant feis fisa abuses and abuse within the fbi and the doj. here s what we know. the fbi lied to the fisa court by using an unverified dossier bottom bought and paid for by hillary clinton to get a warrant to spy on an associate of the trump campaign during an election. the fbi broke the fisa law. and they also did not follow the bureau s own protocols by relying heavily on what was something that they themselves should have verified and corroborated. now, remember, former fbi director andrew mccabe he testified without the dossier they wouldn t have even had a fisa application. a huge development, major scandal, i know the media ignores it, they will have egg on their face, another breaking tore sent to, president trump finally has issued a pardon for christian saucier. this was an issue we talked about for a long time.
inspector general. i think this is significant, significant for the rule of law and especially when you re talking about a fisa situation, which was based on an unverified a salacious, and the words of james comey, dossier, that aussie information was leaked to the press, christopher steel was involvedru with bruce ohr, his wife was working for fusion gps. you put these together and he ultimately gets fired, christopher steel, because he leaked the information to the press. did they tell that to the court in the fisa warned? i suspect not. this goes to the point that you have a fisa court is very serious. foreign intelligence surveillance act. sean: this is the point. that is what the special counsel needs to be looking out. sean: the fisa law is very clear. fbi protocols are very clear. they have a legal, moral, ethical, even by their own