bill: continuing now with our preview of the iowa caucus vote tomorrow. joining us from washington mary katharine ham and des moines, iowa, juan williams, both are fox news analysts. juan, who is going to win and don t waffle around? i let hume slide on it. i m not letting you slide on it. who is going to win? i m going to tell you romney should win this thing and the only hesitation i have, bill, is that i was up in boone, iowa today, saw a santorum event and the energy there is unparalleled. that s the high energy point right now in iowa. he is surging. i keep pointing out that there is a lot of independents. more than twice the number of independents right now who is going to attend the caucuses tomorrow night. and a lot of those independents are just people who are angry at washington. they are looking for alternative. i think they are likely to go with santorum or paul. these are not romney people. but short of that, i see
bill: impact segment tonight, lots of folks running around iowa scaring the heck out of the citizenry there. one of them laura ingraham who joins us now from des moines. oh, thanks. scaring the people. that s not what i need to hear. bill: you can get pretty scary. i m occupying des moines, bill. bill: those pinheads are running around out there. i saw a few knit caps unwashed they haven t been washed since the carter administration. that s the sign there were a lot of occupy folks here. we are welcoming them to iowa tonight. bill: i think think we should. welcome everyone to the political process. there is a lot of food here at fox. so they come for the free food. we have hidden the twizzlers and all of the pretzels. bill: are you kidding me in there is food? they are giving you food? twizzlers. bill: are you serious? i have never. snapple. give that to me.
everything you need to know about the polls. all i m say something i don t want to sound like mr. uptight or anything, all i m saying is we live in tough economic times and all this coverage is cotton candy. bill: yeah because it s easy to do that. i love cotton candy. bill: americans do like the horse race. absolutely. bill: they are going to be tuned into fox news channel tomorrow night. we will win this coverage by i will predict now triple the combined coverage of msnbc and cnn tomorrow. do i have 10 seconds? bill: yeah. go. fox is going to be covering this with journalists. cnn is going to be covering the election night with journalists. msnbc is covering it with five commentators whose views range from far left to really really far left.
bill: impact segment tonight, lots of folks running around iowa scaring the heck out of the citizenry there. one of them laura ingraham who joins us now from des moines. oh, thanks. scaring the people. that s not what i need to hear. bill: you can get pretty scary. i m occupying des moines, bill. bill: those pinheads are running around out there. i saw a few knit caps unwashed they haven t been washed since the carter administration. that s the sign there were a lot of occupy folks here. we are welcoming them to iowa tonight. bill: i think think we should. welcome everyone to the political process. there is a lot of food here at fox. so they come for the free food. we have hidden the twizzlers and all of the pretzels. bill: are you kidding me in there is food? they are giving you food? twizzlers. bill: are you serious? i have never. snapple. give that to me.
bring it over. look. bill: i have never. this was completely full. you can see it? this was completely full until those three occupy people came in here. it s just ugly. bill: fox news is giving you food and drink in their hospitality. food, drink, water. there was a water cooler that s been moved out of the facility because some of the occupiers came to drink from it. i m hoping to get some of the knowledge from you in talking points. bill: i m stunned. i can t remember the last time i munched anything bought by the news corporation. no, pretty bad. shep and all those guys eat it all. bill: who do you think is going to win tomorrow night, miss laura? well, look, i like talking points for saying that it s going to be not good to pricket this because predict this because talking points was right. you are my boss, i m happy to predict. i have to say i think romney if i had a gun to my head which i don t want to have. if i had a gun to my head i would have to say romne