Ronald (Ron) Harold JohnsonRepublicans commit to taking lowest roadConservative group escalates earmarks war by infiltrating trainingsTrump allies line up ahead of potentially bruising primariesMORE (R-Wis.). This legislation will codify the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse into law. The Federal School Safety Clearinghouse, located inside the Department of Homeland Security, represents a whole-of-government approach and reflects coordination not just across federal agencies, but with state partners and nonprofit organizations. The Clearinghouse serves as the foundation for an ongoing and coordinated effort to review safety content and recommend best practices to keep schools safe on
We’re still nowhere near finished with the work that needs to be done, though. Even after the mass shootings in Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Sante Fe and Parkland, the majority of schools across the country still don’t believe this tragedy could occur in their commu