Activist and author Micheal Euade has traced the history of the struggle for Catalonian nationhood and its intersection with class struggle from the medieval period to the present in his 2022 book, A People’s History of Catalonia. Alex Salmon reviews.
Gemma Cruz Araneta
Who was Pi y Margall? There is a street in Sampaloc named after him and when last I saw the sign, the name was misspelled. Not even the City Administrator could tell whether Margall wasa famous or an obscure Spanish colonial official, or someone’s birth place in a god-forsaken corner of Spain. None of us pronounced the name correctly; apparently, the double “ll” is pronounced “I,” so it is Margai.
Francesc (Francisco) Pi y Margall is totally unknown in Sampaloc, but when the young Jose Rizal arrived in Spain in 1882, the old philosopher-politician, 34 years his senior, was an eminent political philosopher known for his progressive, liberal policies.