Guru Nanak Jayanti will be celebrated on November 26 this year. It is a celebration in honour of the first sikh guru. - Guru Nanak Jayanti 2023: Why Do We Celebrate Gurupurab? All You Need to Know About the First Sikh Guru
The first day of Chet marks the beginning of the New Year in the Sikh Calendar. The Sikh calendar commenced in 1469 on the advent of Guru Nanak Sahib, founder of Sikhi, Nanak the Shah (Sovereign).
Chet (Chayt) also means to be awake, aware, conscious of, think of, or turn your attention to; implying to remember or contemplate on the essential things (the One God, the Naam – Spiritual Identity).
The First Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak says that in the month of Chet nature blossoms, but man’s mind will blossom, even at this time of the year, only with the remembrance of the God.