To improve the Faster and Smarter Funding for First Responders Act (H.R. 3266), which would reform the distribution of homeland security grants to state and local governments, Congress shouldestablish a national framework to bring fiscal discipline to thesystem and ensure that federal, state, and local assets are linkedin an integrated national response system.
Mesa County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Wayne Weyler, who died from COVID-19 on Dec. 10, 2021, at age 64 will have his name added to the Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial on
Roughly $295 million in funds will remain unallocated.
As the 2022 Mississippi Legislative session comes to a close, lawmakers have announced their plan for the state's budget as well as how they are allocating funds available from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund.
The Coronavirus Stat
In 2021, the coronavirus caused 358 officer deaths nationwide, compared to 62 gunfire deaths and 22 fatalities from automobile crashes the second- and third-leading causes of death, respectively.<br/><br/>
Fire department volunteers, fire police and Congressman Joe Courtney,D-2nd District, gathered in the Gales Ferry firehouse on Thursday to celebrate a new