Sub-zero temps put the brrr in BRRRmidji Plunge
Over the weekend, town “celebrities” braved sub-zero temperatures for the Bemidji Jaycees’ annual BRRRmidji Plunge, leaping into the icy waters of Lake Bemidji for an honorable community cause. 5:51 pm, Feb. 8, 2021 ×
Aliza Thoring, the Bemidji Jaycees 89th Chapter President, leaps into Lake Bemidji for the BRRRmidji Plunge on Saturday, Feb. 6. Photo courtesy of myBemidji.
BEMIDJI Over the weekend, town “celebrities” braved sub zero temperatures for the Bemidji Jaycees’ annual BRRRmidji Plunge, leaping into the icy waters of Lake Bemidji for an honorable community cause.
For the past month, four famous Bemidjians competed to raise the most in donations for their local charity of choice in preparation for the event.