we ll act and do what s necessary to make sure we can maintain that commitment. we lookeddal all available options and we have no way to give congress more time to solve this problem. and we are running out of time. the eyes of the country are on us. and the eyes of the world are on us and we need to make sure we stand together and send a definitive signal. we are going to take the steps necessary to avoid default and also take advantage of this opportunity to make some progress in dealing with our long-term fiscal problems. we don t have much time. it s time we move. thank you very much. alisyn: despite all the rhetoric from republicans within democrats and the whites house. none of the sides appear much closer to a deal than they did a few weeks ago. what does the average joe and jane think about the attack ads? we are 15 months away from the election and still the negative ads are running fast and furious. we showed our vote ears bunch of
repeat. moody s warning yesterday should serve as a wakeup call to anyone who doubts that the consequences we are talking about are real. so it s time for all republicans to put the interests of american families ahead of this small group of ideologues within their party. alisyn: you have been listening to harry reid. here comes secretary tim geithner. thanks for giving me a chance to talk through these problems and how we solve them. there is unanimity in that room that we are a country that meets its obligations and pay our bills and we ll act and do what s necessary to make sure we can maintain that commitment. we looked at all available options and we have no way to give congress more time to solve this problem and we are running out of time. the eyes of the country are on us, and thize of the world are on us and we need to make sure we stand together and send a
alisyn: you re saying that democrats want a balanced budget and republicans want a balanced budget. why doesn t everyone vote for a balanced budget amendment? well i tell you what, the word that has become the new dirty word in politics right now especially here in washington is compromise. right now neither side has a really good appreciation for what that word means, and i think that what we need to do is focus on getting taking care of the big issues that are confronting us right now. the fact of the matter is that president obama just last week put a $4 trillion package on the table to cut the deficit. i mean this is real money, even here in washington d.c., and once again you had the republicans back away from that. i think a big part of the frustration as well is we don t know who to talk to in the republican party right now. when we have good faith conversations with boehner boehner we come out with a 4 trillion-dollar badge and mr. boehner packs away. alisyn: he had eric ca
border patrol, there would be none of that. if you are going to fully pay social security, met i care, our troops and interest on the debt you don t have anyone at border, anyone doing food inspections, anyone in the faa towers. america would come to a grinding halt. alisyn: senator schumer claims a lack of cooperation from republicans is pushing us towards that doomsday scenario. it looks like the top lawmakers and leader of the free world will be work overtime this weekend. talks at camp david this weekend are looking likely, but it s not set in stone yet. the on thing i hope he doesn t ask us to do is go to camp david. that goes beyond the pale. driving cowan the street for these meeting is one thing. i want that to be his preserve where he can go to renew and
what is the president s plans to get more jobs to america. this is not a problem, this is a cast tas trough fee. we are talking about people s lives and families who are really hurting in this country. even those who aren t unemployed are barely hanging on. there are two things our leaders need to do, they need to fix the default crisis or else it s going to get worse and focus on creating jobs. unfortunately the republicans have made it clear that they actually wanted to make the economy worse so they can make sure that barack obama loses his job. that is clearly their number one priority. alisyn: do you think the president has been dealing with jobs well enough? frankly i think he should have passed a bigger stimulus people in the first place. i agree with robert reich on that. it didn t go far enough. he s being marred in these debates over the sanctity of our future economy rather than focus