NYAB is preparing move to Sweden - Jan Öhman as new Chairman of the Board 28.09.23 NYAB is proceeding with a re-domiciliation of the company from Finland to Sweden, a.
27.9.2023 15:00:00 EEST | NYAB Oyj | Company Announcement
NYAB PlcCOMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT27 September 2023 at 15:00
NYAB proceeds with preparations for re-domiciliation to Sweden and aims for.
The application of the gender quota directive seems to be gaining traction, as two-thirds of companies falling under its purview now meet the quota requirements. Only two small listed companies have recently appointed all-male boards. Meanwhile, the proportion of women on the boards of First North companies stands at 25 percent. These figures are part of the Central Chamber of Commerce s latest review of female leadership.
The Board of ADDvise Group AB has decided to update the long-term financial targets for EBITDA margin and revenue growth based on the strong financial performance and the visibility on the upcoming. | May 24, 2023