ll leave, great, that means youre in my kitchen, youll be with new girls, i dont rule it out, you know you cant trust me. Then i stay, this is half my home. Ah so 2 months for reconciliation, what have we come to, worse than the smirnovs, no, stop it, not a girl already, what a scam, what will you do without me, what will you live on . Do you think that without. You, im worthless without a wand, but i didnt say that, well, where are you going, your proposal, is there anything else . Nina, heres our kitchen, please, uhhuh, heres the dishwasher, heres the dryer, disinfection, heres the freezer, heres the refrigerator, heres our cold shop, uh huh, heres the hot one, well, everything is like everyone else, heres the grill and deepfryer, heres the stove stove, i m generally not an expert in kitchens, of course, there were cooks, one on maternity leave, the other on a binge, so i had to how. They master it, well, here are the assistants, why are you heating up frozen food . Well, yes, you br
Composition, that is, this is knitting, sewing, and of course, the student, already starting there from the second, third year, they must master this technique step by step, so that later in real practice, when they encounter such problem, they will be able to correctly perform this manipulation, thanks to this opportunity to learn and perform such. Manipulations, students acquire not only practical skills, but this also makes it possible to subsequently apply this in scientific practice, having already mastered technologies, i think they can come up with some kind of their own, some kind of even operational method, well, everything happens, its not for nothing that even the same endoscopic one, we all know the umbrella, the ordinary umbrella that they make, it was invented by a schoolboy, of course, thanks to his development. Civic position, this is the person who is engaged in educational work, this is a multifaceted person, we are proud that our university became the First Medical U
Thanks to his development, our students write scientific papers, and those who are very promising and want to continue their studies, and they enter graduate school, those who remain in the departments continue their scientific activities, and of course, we take the most promising ones into our a council of young scientists who uh. Its main task is to develop scientific potential, a scientist is not someone who only does science, he is a person who has his own civic position, he is a person who is engaged in educational work, he is a person multifaceted, we are proud that our university became the First Medical University to create a school for young scientists, we give them basic knowledge for. We even have at this stage a request from clinical institutions, from the republican scientific and practical center, from a university clinic, they are ready to accept also participation in this school, it will be online. I am often asked the question, where do ideas come from . Ideas are not
Its a long journey, so you want to do something every day, so that you dont just sit in the workshop, but something to be done with your own hands. Watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. This is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians. Exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. On the territory of the countries finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia. Poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. Set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. The channels signal is broadcast in the clear. And is available 24 hours a day every day. Be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. Once, one associate professor said you know, you need to learn how to deal with skin, its not a structure that needs to be p
Time to relax, although sometimes it is necessary, but in this situation of mine, its for me and olesya he says, you work, dad, it will be easier for you, because yes, well, due to the circumstances that he said, this is really so, therefore loneliness is such a difficult and unpleasant moment in a persons life. I wish you all that there will always be wonderful people next to you, be happy. And what are you most afraid of, only if its not a secret . What am i afraid of . Im afraid to look funny and unnecessary, you know, what a thing . In my profession, i told myself that if i go on stage, and its very difficult to break away from it, despite age, i once was, when i was young, we remember, i was 23 years old, i said, well, guys, well work with you until were 27, and then who will need us, old people . This was the attitude, and i told myself now and always say if i go out and i see that the audience has stood up and left, ill at least give up some part, ill quit right away, i have som