Brands are seizing too much data from consumers and in increasingly opaque ways. Jonathan Joseph of The Ethical Tech Project charts this insidious over-reach.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the week! It s time once again for our look back at the noteworthy updates of the last seven days. Well, I ve done it again. I took too long with other things today and now I have very little time to finish this work.
The First Wave seemed like a tsunami at the time but, in fact, was a mere ripple. It was one isolated ripple that spread out, gathered momentum, propagat.
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Defeating Defensiveness: The Four Horsemen of the Marriage Apocalypse
Defensiveness shows up in two different ways: Cross-complaining, and playing the innocent victim.
Defensiveness is the second of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It typically shows up right on the heels of the first horseman: Criticism. (Click here to learn about the First Horseman of the Apocalypse here.)
Defensiveness is the trap my wife and I fall into most often.