London all abolished prior agreements made at the hague conventions and would designed to some terror amongst populations. Good evening. I served as the pres. And ceo at the national one museum and memorial and are delighted to welcome you to what will be an energizing conversation this evening. We we are especially thankful to welcome to the museum memorial. Were glad your here. We hope that you take time to come back and spend time in the gallery and spent time with the memorial. Whilst the museum was designated by congress as the National Museum of world war i the memorial was only given that honor in december of last year. So we are delighted to carry the distinguished honor of being both the United States National Museum and mario that carries with it no federal funding but all the prestige that comes from the congress having taken action and pass something. [laughter] so that is reason to celebrate. The most distinguishing action of 2014 a bicameral bipartisan bill. Were pleased
Different consent points. So here, in creating that market, its allowing new perspectives to enter into the market pay areas and launch consumers and give consumers a new choice. I have a general question for anyone if youd like to speak on it. Im trying to get a sense of each of your view what fair market value means for your perspective. And im happy to have anyone. But im really just trying to understand how the Consent Decree stands in the way of achieving it as well. But, to anyone, we can start down here with ms. Matthews. In an instance where they do not agree, either party can simply walk away when they do agree, presummablely, they would reach a freemarket rate. Schszs dont feel they have the ability to walk away, either. As a Small Business person, i think a free market is a place where i can decide whats most appropriate for my business. And, in this context, i dont feel like i can do that. We have collections that are sanctioned in their activity. Their very existence doesn
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my name is matt and i serve as the president of the World War One Museum and memorial. We are delighted to welcome you to this really, i think, what is going to be an energizing conversation this evening. We are thankful and welcome to the museum and memorial. If you are unfamiliar with the museum welcome. If you are not familiar we are glad you are here. We are hoping you take time to come back and spend time at the galleries and in the park with the memorial. The museum was assigned by congress as the national museum. The memorial was only given the defender of last year in 2014. That is a reason to celebrate. The English Speakers were at a 60 mile bike ride on sunday. I stopped at a school and one of the students asked if i speak british in australia. We live in a world that was birthed hundred years ago. The world was forever changed by the 20th century world war one and we live in that shadow still experiencing its affect and induring impact to
Talks begin with a discussion on the norths nuclear program. The Obama Administration is scrambling today to add computer serves to add high demand on the new insurance marketplace. They say healthcare. Gov that serves 36 states is getting 4. 7 million visitors a day. That high volume is slowing the site down. And texas state governor senator wendy davis will announce her plans to run for governor today. She gained National Attention for an 11hour filibuster against abortion restrictions in texas. Those are the headlines. 800,000 government wo workers are at home. The p. Are we getting any closer to a deal . Also google is being teaken to court after. Ing on emails sent through its service. How concerned should you be that your emails are being read . And news that author tom clancy has died. Spy novels have changed. Well be join bid our best selling spy novels and the woman who discovered clancy. Welcome to consider this we begin the ongoing government shut down. We warne warned that
Tphrp job is to destroy that down price chemical weapons. The second group is scheduled to arrive later in the week. Officials are on a state of a Deadly Church bus crash in tennessee. Crash took place 20miles the northeast of knoxville. The church bus will return after the tires blew out and 8 people killed, 14 others were injured. Thats the news that the hour. Consider this next and ill be back here with the news at 11 00 eastern and 8 00 pacific time and you can get the late test news on al jazeera. Com. 800,000 government wo workes are at home. The p. Are we getting any closer to a deal . Also google is being teaken to court after. Ing on emails sent through its service. How concerned should you be that your emails are being read . And news that author tom clancy has died. Spy novels have changed. Well be join bid our best selling spy novels and the woman who discovered clancy. Welcome to consider this we begin the ongoing government shut down. We warne warned that we are in troubl