My mom was a spy | Son recounts mother s harrowing tale of WWII espionage She told me one time she had dynamite in a picnic basket, and she ended up sitting next to a Nazi office. She was scared to death. Author: Jeannie Blaylock Updated: 3:51 AM EST December 22, 2020
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Simone de Cruzel was a 19-year-old woman living in France during the Nazi Occupation in World War II. However, the brave woman made the decision to fight back with the French Resistance. She was a spy. She was a spy, Simone s son Jerry Stalnaker said. In order to track her they took a 5 franc and ripped it in half. Her serial number was 283. And the other half was kept in England. That s how they kept track of her.