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Another day of trucker convoys in the area have resulted in major traffic headaches for those heading into D.C. Police have just lifted a series of road
come up will the justice department prosecute steve bannon for failing to honor a congressional subpoena in connection with the january 6 commission. pay attention to what garland says if asked about bannon. last week president biden said the d.o.j. should prosecute people like bannon. garland has wanted to maintain independence from the white house and unlikely he would confirm support for an investigation in a public setting like today. the department of justice in a battle with the state of texas over the state s controversial law banning abortion. d.o.j. and state of texas are bouncing back and forth sending requests for the u.s. supreme court to get involved and settle the law. another hot topic, a memo put out by attorney general garland that instructs the f.b.i. to pay close attention to parents at school board meetings. a rise of anchor among parents. he wants the f.b.i. to investigate in cases where school board members or other