Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Co. (TSE:FC – Get Free Report) declared a monthly dividend on Wednesday, November 29th, TickerTech reports. Investors of record on Friday, December 15th will be given a dividend of 0.078 per share on Friday, December 15th. This represents a $0.94 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 9.03%. The […]
Shares of Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Co. (TSE:FC – Get Rating) crossed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of C$11.28 and traded as low as C$10.41. Firm Capital Mortgage Investment shares last traded at C$10.46, with a volume of 17,934 shares. Analysts Set New […]
Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Co. (TSE:FC – Get Rating) crossed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of C$11.48 and traded as low as C$10.92. Firm Capital Mortgage Investment shares last traded at C$11.05, with a volume of 20,088 shares traded. […]
Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Co. (TSE:FC – Get Rating)’s stock price passed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of C$11.49 and traded as low as C$11.42. Firm Capital Mortgage Investment shares last traded at C$11.47, with a volume of 31,915 […]
Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Co. (TSE:FC – Get Rating) passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of C$11.49 and traded as low as C$11.45. Firm Capital Mortgage Investment shares last traded at C$11.56, with a volume of 17,862 shares traded. Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades […]