Sunday wasn’t ideal for sweeping leaves, but George Ash made it work nonetheless.He rarely takes a day off.He had recently lifted a truck tire the size of a dinner table that was blocking the path to a nearby dumpster. He awkwardly balanced it on the.
One man is dead after a shooting at the Firehouse Block Apartments on Jan. 16. (Tony Schinella/Patch)
One man is dead after a shooting at the Firehouse Block Apartments on Jan. 16. (Tony Schinella/Patch)
CONCORD, NH Concord police and the New Hampshire Attorney General s Office are investigating a fatal shooting in Downtown Concord on Saturday.
Limited information is available at post time but at just before 11:45 a.m., police were sent to the Firehouse Block Apartments on Warren Street for a report of a man, with a prior and lengthy criminal history, busting down the door of an apartment, according to dispatch. After hearing the banging on the door, the caller heard gunshots.